

Размещено 29 июля 2010

от 23 700 рублей

артем ермолаев

Мужской, 35 лет

Семейное положение: Не состою в браке, детей нет

Мобильный телефон: 9055120596

E-mail: senior.ermolaew2010@yandex.ru

Занятость: Полная

График работы: Полный день


средне-специальное образование

<a href=http://www.scriptline.net/ >social networking script</a>

<a href=http://www.scriptline.net/ >clone dvd</a>

<a href=http://www.7searchsoft.com/ >what is the best antivirus software for free</a>

<a href=http://www.ddl.name >recover deleted files from hard drive</a>

<a href=http://www.scriptline.net/ >auction software program</a>

<a href=http://www.7searchsoft.com/ >free software for audio</a>

<a href=http://www.softnull.com/ >foto premium</a>

<a href=http://www.scriptline.net/ >video upload software</a>

Дополнительное образование:

<a href=http://www.scriptline.net/ >social networking script</a>

<a href=http://www.scriptline.net/ >clone dvd</a>

<a href=http://www.7searchsoft.com/ >what is the best antivirus software for free</a>

<a href=http://www.ddl.name >recover deleted files from hard drive</a>

<a href=http://www.scriptline.net/ >auction software program</a>

<a href=http://www.7searchsoft.com/ >free software for audio</a>

<a href=http://www.softnull.com/ >foto premium</a>

<a href=http://www.scriptline.net/ >video upload software</a>

Владение иностранными языками:

<a href=http://www.scriptline.net/ >social networking script</a>

<a href=http://www.scriptline.net/ >clone dvd</a>

<a href=http://www.7searchsoft.com/ >what is the best antivirus software for free</a>

<a href=http://www.ddl.name >recover deleted files from hard drive</a>

<a href=http://www.scriptline.net/ >auction software program</a>

<a href=http://www.7searchsoft.com/ >free software for audio</a>

<a href=http://www.softnull.com/ >foto premium</a>

<a href=http://www.scriptline.net/ >video upload software</a>

Опыт работы
5 лет

<a href=http://www.scriptline.net/ >social networking script</a>

<a href=http://www.scriptline.net/ >clone dvd</a>

<a href=http://www.7searchsoft.com/ >what is the best antivirus software for free</a>

<a href=http://www.ddl.name >recover deleted files from hard drive</a>

<a href=http://www.scriptline.net/ >auction software program</a>

<a href=http://www.7searchsoft.com/ >free software for audio</a>

<a href=http://www.softnull.com/ >foto premium</a>

<a href=http://www.scriptline.net/ >video upload software</a>

Профессиональные навыки и знания:
знание европейской кухни аккуратный места работы : кафе, ресторан

<a href=http://www.scriptline.net/ >social networking script</a>

<a href=http://www.scriptline.net/ >clone dvd</a>

<a href=http://www.7searchsoft.com/ >what is the best antivirus software for free</a>

<a href=http://www.ddl.name >recover deleted files from hard drive</a>

<a href=http://www.scriptline.net/ >auction software program</a>

<a href=http://www.7searchsoft.com/ >free software for audio</a>

<a href=http://www.softnull.com/ >foto premium</a>

<a href=http://www.scriptline.net/ >video upload software</a>

Дополнительные сведения:

<a href=http://www.scriptline.net/ >social networking script</a>

<a href=http://www.scriptline.net/ >clone dvd</a>

<a href=http://www.7searchsoft.com/ >what is the best antivirus software for free</a>

<a href=http://www.ddl.name >recover deleted files from hard drive</a>

<a href=http://www.scriptline.net/ >auction software program</a>

<a href=http://www.7searchsoft.com/ >free software for audio</a>

<a href=http://www.softnull.com/ >foto premium</a>

<a href=http://www.scriptline.net/ >video upload software</a>