Account manager


Размещено 23 февраля 2009

от 43 800 рублей

Седова Юлия

Женский, 39 лет

Семейное положение: Не состою в браке, детей нет

Мобильный телефон: 8-916-142-68-33


Занятость: Полная

График работы: Полный день




2007 - Moscow Institute of Foreign Languages faculty of country studying, speciality - philologist, teacher of two foreign languages (English, Spanish) Degree of Higher Education

Дополнительное образование:
Аdditional education

2008 - Cervantes Institute Cervantes Institute in Moscow Successful graduation degree

Владение иностранными языками:
Russian : Native Language
English : fluent
Spanish: can read literature

Опыт работы
09.2007 - ad agency Ogilvy&Mather
Account Executive

07.2007 - 08.2007 Russia Today
correspondent (practice course)

Профессиональные навыки и знания:


09.2007 - ad agency Ogilvy&Mather
Account Executive

- I've been working in the client's service department (DHL, Ford, Dove)
- At the present moment I am working at Dove brand
- Knowledge of the English language - fluent; Spanish - advanced level
- I have an experience of conducting projects of the client
- I participate in projects' elaboration
- I have an ability to interact freely with people within the team

07.2007 - 08.2007 Russia Today

I was doing a special course on TV channel (Russia Today) in English editorial as correspondent, in entertainment department.
- to write texts of the event you have visited
- its editing under the supervision of head editor
- voice overing